International Projects

No Boundaries e.V. has been working internationally since its foundation. The idea is for artists to meet, work together on new works, inspire each other and perform on stages, in bars, in institutes and museums in the respective cities.
So far we have been to South Africa, Cuba, Senegal and New Zealand.

Artists such as Yugen Blakrok, Hu Xiangcheng, El Congo Allen, Bababcar Mbaye Ndaak, Fatim Sy, Malick Sy, Georgie Fisher, Moses Viliamu, Maraea Rakuraku, Ruth Robertson-Taylor, Rob Thorne, Xiao Kaiyu, Pyranja, Sebastian Fuchs and many more have been part of our projects.

Invited by the Performance Arcade Waterfront our artists will create a performance which includes stories, dance, poetry, music and a Mural in Wellington New Zealand...


And again: We focus on Climate Change, the Oceans, Plastic Pollution and Climate Refugees...



For more information click here



Illustration by Moses W. Viliamu


This cross-cultural initiative is a co-operation between the Goethe-Institut New Zealand and No Boundaries e.V. in Berlin/Germany with support from Creative New Zealand, Wellington City Council and St Johns Bar & Eatery.